We are happy to answer those

Frequently asked questions

When are you available to take on a new project?

We are typically booked about two-three weeks in advance. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can get you on the calendar.

Can we work together even if we don't live in the same city, state, or region?

Yes. Most of our clients work with us remotely. We utilize several virtual meeting platforms to provide accessibility. We will more than likely have several virtual meetings as well as phone calls during the tenure of the project.

Will I receive editable files?

Certainly! We provide our clients with the original Adobe files for branding projects.

What types of clients do you work with?

Pine Web Design seeks to work with small to medium-sized businesses seeking to define their brand. We take pride in meeting your vision with graphic solutions.

What website platforms do you use?

Wix and Squarespace


More questions? No problem!